How to fully integrate your Raspberry Pi digital picture frame into Home Assistant even showing the current image

The advantage of making something yourself rather than just going out and buying it off the shelf is that you can tailor everything to your exact requirements and ideas.

So when I set out to build a digital picture frame, I also wanted to integrate it tightly with my home automation system, “Home Assistant“.

The idea was to control the picture frame from within Home Assistant fully. This would include choosing the playback directory, seeing all the relevant Exif information, a map with the location where the photo was taken, and even showing the photo itself on display on the picture frame.

Paddy’s old PictureFrame script originated from a simple Pi3D demo file, and a lot of great features had been added over time. But its code also became very complex and needed a spring cleaning.

So, together with Paddy and Jeff, we completely rewrote the old Pi3D PictureFrame script and added lots of new features in the process. Amongst them was a perfect integration with Home Assistant!

If you are not yet familiar with PictureFrame, head over here first.

Tested with: Raspberry Pi OS Bookworm (Dec 2024), Raspberry Pi Zero 2, 3, 4, and 5, and Dec 2024 version of Pi3D PictureFrame. Requires Home Assistant 2024.12.3 or later.

Benefits of a tight integration between Home Assistant and PictureFrame

The PictureFrame 2021 image viewer lets you remote control many features and retrieve Exif data from the images. The new version now has a web server allowing you to view the currently displayed image remotely.

Note: For an update regarding the photo display, also look here: How to show your current picture frame photo in Home Assistant (2024 Edition)

The whole control panel in Home Assistant will look like this:

You can select the right controls and data fields that interest you and create your customized picture frame dashboard.


The following assumes that you have completed the PictureFrame basic installation and have Home Assistant running.

If you don’t use an external MQTT broker, you can install one on your Raspberry Pi by entering

sudo apt install -y mosquitto mosquitto-clients

also read here important information about the Mosquitto installation

Configuration of PictureFrame

The configuration of PictureFrame is made in configuration.yaml.

In the mqtt section enable MQTT and enter your IP and port.

  use_mqtt: True
  server: localhost      # Enter the IP in quotes (e.g., "") if your MQTT is not hosted on your picture frame Raspberry Pi
  port: 1883
  login: ""              # your mqtt user. If you have none, just leave empty
  password: ""           # password for mqtt user. If you have none, just leave empty
  tls: ""                # this is for secure connections. If you don't know what this is, leave it empty
  device_id: "picframe"  # unique id of device. Change if there is more than one picture frame

If you use the above settings, you only have to insert your IP (if your MQTT is hosted on another computer) and you can leave the rest as it is.

Directly below in the http section, enable it. If you are not using an SSL connection, the settings below should work for you.

  use_http: True  # default=False. Set True to enable http 
  path: "/home/pi/picframe_data/html"  # path to where html files are located
  port: 9000     # port used to serve pages by http server < 1024 requires root which is *bad* idea
  use_ssl: False
  keyfile: ""   # private-key
  certfile: ""  # server certificate

Start PictureFrame and keep it running while we configure Home Assistant.

To check if MQTT works alright, you can use a tool like MQTT Explorer to see if the sensors and switches data are being transmitted.

If what you see looks similar to the above picture, you’re off to a good start.

Home Assistant uses “Sensors” and “Switches”. A switch can be “ON” or “OFF” whereas a sensor can have specific values like dates, numbers, or strings.

Configuration of Home Assistant

If you haven’t worked with MQTT before, you must add the MQTT Integration. In most cases, you only need to enter the IP of your MQTT server. The port is 1883 for most users.

The option “Enable Discovery” needs to be on, the rest you can ignore for the time being.

Click “Submit” and click on “devices” which will take you to the “Devices” section. You should see “picframe”. Click on it.

You can already see all the entities being sent from PictureFrame to Home Assistant.

Play around with some of the switches like e.g. “picframe_next” to move the PictureFrame to the next image to see if it works.

Once this works, we will configure several settings that allow us to control PictureFrame from within Home Assistant fully.

Installing the Helpers

Switches and sensors can be used directly in Home Assistant cards. For input elements like text fields or the brightness slider, you have to create the elements first. This is done with “helpers”. You can find them in the configuration section.

Unfortunately, Home Assistant doesn’t provide a YAML import for helpers. You have to create them over the GUI manually.

I will show you screenshots of each Helper so that you know exactly where you need to enter what information. Just click on “Add Helper”.

The Entity ID will be added automatically once you save the Helper.

Let’s start with the first one.

Helper picframe_date_from

To pick a date, we must first define the local data format, which can be processed. You could use the date picker helper for date input, but it is limited to standard Unix time. While this is probably fine for most users, some may want to include scanned images from much earlier.

While this is possible, it is a bit more complicated because it requires a regular expression pattern (“regex”) for client-side valuation.

A regex pattern is a sequence of characters that specifies a search pattern. Such patterns are used by string-searching algorithms, or for input validation. So exactly what we need for specifying a date range.

Here are a few examples:

YYYY-mm-dd ^\d{4}-(0[1-9]|1[012])-(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$

Add a Helper “Text”.

Helper picframe_date_to

Add a Helper “Text”.

Helper picframe_location_filter

Add a Helper “Text”.

Helper picframe_tags_filter

Add a Helper “Text”.

So, all in all your Helper selection should include these four items:

Creating the Cards

Now go back to your Lovelace interface and add another view. You can always move the card later but for the moment, let’s keep it a separate view.

Images Card

This card shows you all the image metadata.

Create a new card, and pick “Entities”. You will see a few pre-filled entities which we will not use. Instead, click on “Show Code Editor”.

Erase the sample text in there and replace it with:

  - type: markdown
    content: >-
      {% if state_attr("sensor.picframe_image", "IPTC Object Name") -%}

      ## {{ state_attr("sensor.picframe_image", "IPTC Object Name") }}
       {%- else -%}
      ## {{ states("sensor.picframe_image") }}

      {%- endif %}

      {% if state_attr("sensor.picframe_image", "IPTC Caption/Abstract") -%}
         {{ state_attr("sensor.picframe_image", "IPTC Caption/Abstract") }}
      {% endif %}

      states('sensor.picframe_image') | urlencode }})

      {% if state_attr("sensor.picframe_image", "location") != None %}
        {{ state_attr("sensor.picframe_image", "location") }}
      {%- else -%}
        No GPS data.
      {%- endif %}
  - type: glance
      - entity: button.picframe_back
          action: toggle
      - entity: switch.picframe_paused
          action: toggle
      - entity: button.picframe_next
          action: toggle
      - entity: switch.picframe_shuffle
          action: toggle
      - entity: button.picframe_delete
          action: toggle
    show_name: false
    show_state: false
    state_color: true
    show_icon: true
  - type: entities
      - entity: sensor.picframe_image
        name: File
      - entity: sensor.picframe_image_date
        icon: 'mdi:calendar-clock'
        name: Date
      - type: attribute
        entity: sensor.picframe_image
        attribute: EXIF ExposureTime
        unit: sec
        icon: 'mdi:camera-timer'
        name: Exposure
      - type: attribute
        entity: sensor.picframe_image
        attribute: EXIF FNumber
        unit: f
        icon: 'mdi:camera-iris'
        name: Aperture
      - type: attribute
        entity: sensor.picframe_image
        attribute: EXIF ISOSpeedRatings
        icon: 'mdi:film'
        name: ISO
      - type: attribute
        entity: sensor.picframe_image
        attribute: EXIF FocalLength
        unit: iso
        icon: 'mdi:signal-distance-variant'
        name: Focal Length
      - type: attribute
        entity: sensor.picframe_image
        attribute: Image Model
        unit: mm
        icon: 'mdi:camera'
        name: Camera Model
      - type: attribute
        entity: sensor.picframe_image
        attribute: IPTC Keywords
        icon: 'mdi:tag'
        name: Keywords
  - aspect_ratio: '3:2'
    dark_mode: false
    default_zoom: 11
      - entity: sensor.picframe_image
    type: map
    hours_to_show: 0
type: vertical-stack

Search for “![Image]({{” and enter the IP address of your picture frame.

If you enabled SSL in PictureFrame’s web server change "http” to “https".

Filter Card

This card filters images based on the directory, locations, keywords, and dates.

Create a new Card, repeat the procedure above, and paste the text below into the YAML editor. Translate the “name” part to your local language if you like and ensure that the date format is the same as defined in the Helpers date_from and date_to.

  - entity: sensor.picframe_image_counter
    name: Images
  - entity: input_select.picframe_directory
    name: Directory
  - entity: input_text.picframe_tags_filter
    name: Keyword Search
  - entity: input_text.picframe_location_filter
    name: Location Search
  - entity: input_text.picframe_date_from
    name: Filter on date from (DD.MM.YYYY)
  - entity: input_text.picframe_date_to
    name: Filter on date up to (DD.MM.YYYY)
show_header_toggle: false
theme: Backend-selected
title: Filter
type: entities
state_color: true

Text Overlay Card

This card allows you to control the image information.

Create yet another card and paste this into the YAML editor.

type: entities
  - entity: switch.picframe_title_toggle
    name: Title
  - entity: switch.picframe_caption_toggle
    name: Caption
  - entity: switch.picframe_name_toggle
    name: File Name
  - entity: switch.picframe_location_toggle
    name: Location
  - entity: switch.picframe_date_toggle
    name: Capture Date
  - entity: switch.picframe_directory_toggle
    name: Directory
  - entity: switch.picframe_text_refresh
    name: Text refresh
title: Text-Overlay
state_color: true

Settings Card

This card controls the screen brightness, display on/off settings, and the image transition.

  - entity: switch.picframe_display
    name: Living Room Frame
  - entity: input_number.picframe_brightness
    name: Brightness
  - entity: input_number.picframe_time_delay
    name: Duration
  - entity: input_number.picframe_fade_time
    name: Fade Time
show_header_toggle: false
theme: Backend-selected
title: Digital Picture Frame
type: entities
state_color: true


The automation settings perform several useful tasks, like changing the date format you expect in date_from / date_to helpers and managing the input variables overall.

The time format can be found here: datetime.

Since Home Assistant introduced Blueprints (templates) there is no need for further manual configurations in the automations section.

Just click on

and you will get “open page in your Home Assistant?”

Click on “Open Link” and you get

and hit return to confirm the URL. You will see this window:

Now click “Import Blueprint” and it will appear in your list of Blueprints.

Click on “Create Automation”. You can now fine-tune the automations if it is needed.

Home Assistant Configuration.yaml

This refers to the configuration.yaml of Home Assistant not the file of the same name in PictureFrame.

Open configuration.yaml and add the following paragraph.

  - platform: template
        value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.picframe_image', 'EXIF DateTimeOriginal') | int | timestamp_custom('%d. %b. %Y %H:%M') }}"
        friendly_name: "Date"

The time format could be found here: datetime

Finally, restart Home Assistant.

Go to the Automations again and trigger the “picframe_directory_get” automation manually once by clicking “Execute”.

Go to your Home Assistant dashboard. As soon as the next image change happens on PictureFrame, the data will be shown.

How to integrate more than one picture frame

Setting up two or more picture frames is very simple.

In the configuration.yaml of your other picture frame, give it a different name than the default “picframe”.

Then repeat all the above steps but replace every instance of “picframe” with your new name. This means, helper, cards, and automations. It is easily done with Find&Replace with an editor like Sublime Text.

Note that you will have to change the ID of the every duplicate automation to something different. The easiest is to just change “pic” to “pictv” or whatever you have in mind. But it can be any string as long as it is unique.

- id: 'pic1613673115253'

If you don’t, the automations will be ignored by Home Assistant. And don’t forget to add a second sensor in the Home Assistant configuration.yaml file and to restart.


If everything works, but you can’t see the image, make sure you are using HTTP or HTTPS on both Home Assistant and in the settings in PictureFrame.

Note from Wolfgang: I had an issue with Google Chrome not showing the current image which took me a while to figure out, so I thought I’d share it with you: In all other browsers I was able to see the current image on my picture frame but not on Chrome on my iMac. Eventually, it turned out that you have to allow “Images” for the particular Home Assistant website. Click on the lock or exclamation mark in your browser address line and go to Website Settings. Explicitly allow “Images” and you should be fine.

The image will only work in your local network. If you are using e.g. Nabu Casa to access your Home Assistant instance, you won’t be able to see the image.

Also, the database may take “one round” of images to have all the information on keywords and locations.

If you can’t enter keywords or locations, click the icon and enter your value there. You only need to do it once, it will be fine afterwards.


Integrating PictureFrame into Home Assistant allows one to use all the great smart list features and to see the metadata extracted from the images. It really makes the software a lot easier to use overall.

I admit that it’s a bit of work, but it’s not hard, and with the detailed instructions in this article, it should be easy for you to achieve this high integration level between PictureFrame 2024 and Home Assistant.


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