Which Raspberry Pi model should you get for your digital photo frame?

I often get asked which Raspberry model is most suitable for a digital photo frame. The answer is straightforward if you know what kind of frame you want. I will start with the latest model and then work my way backward.

The recommendation is based on the Pi3D PictureFrame software, the best image playback software for a photo frame.

Raspberry Pi 5

You will want to get this model if you use video with your digital picture frame. At this point, Pi3D Picture Frame cannot play back videos, but Paddy, the key developer of Pi3D, is already testing what is possible. But don’t expect miracles and super smooth playback of large files. The first tests are a bit disappointing if you expect HD or even 4K video playback. But new software might improve it.

You don’t need the Pi 5 if you plan to show photos only.

Raspberry Pi 4 Model B

Use this model to attach a 4k display and only play back photos. If you only want to attach a 1080p HD monitor, the Pi 3 is powerful enough. The Raspberry Pi 4 4GB has the best price/value ratio and is excellent for a digital picture frame. Also, it doesn’t get as hot as the Pi 5.

Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+

Use this model if your maximum display resolution is 1080p and you only display photos, not videos.

Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W

Use this model if you are making a small photo frame and do not have much space. It is probably not ideal if you are running many other applications simultaneously with Pi3D PictureFrame because it has only half the memory as the Pi3.

Other hardware considerations

The Pi3D Picture Frame’s memory requirements are quite modest. But if your configuration and model allow it, I would pick a 4 GB memory model.

It doesn’t matter whether you use a 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz network for WiFi, as the former is plenty for this use case.

In any case, ensure your power supply is sufficient for your respective model.

Last, get a Flirc case: It will ensure that your Raspberry Pi is kept cool and that you don’t need a fan. This is especially relevant when you pick a Pi 4 or 5 because they get quite a bit warmer than the Model 3. I have yet to see a better case than the Flirc, and they are not expensive.

Get a 32 or 64-GB card to keep wear low for the SD card.


Here’s a simple guide to help you choose a Raspberry Pi model for your digital picture frame project.

Now, all you need is to get going!

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